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© Copyright 2024 by Martin Zender Paperback. 92 pages, 23 illustrations. The annihilation of six million Jews by Nazi Germany is compared to the supposed eternal torture of countless billions by God...

MZTV 1363: Become as a Child, Yourself, and Lift Up the Lowly

MZTV 1363: Become as a Child, Yourself, and Lift Up the Lowly

A true sign of greatness is to lift up the lowly. It is therefore incumbent upon God, the greatest, to save even the least. Any "deity" that rules by threat and fear is a poser.
Clanging Gong News: Love Truth—or Die for the Eon

Clanging Gong News: Love Truth—or Die for the Eon

Religious unbelievers 


What is not generally known about unbelief is that there are just as many religious unbelievers (Joel Osteen, for instance) as there are worldly unbelievers (Adolph Hitler)—possibly more. Being a part of a sect (“church”), or wearing a cross, or sporting a metal fish appliqué on one’s car, or talking in Christian clichés, or writing bestselling books, or crying during so called “worship music,” have nothing to do with belief. In fact, all of these things work against belief by captivating the soul (the emotions) rather than the spirit, and by emphasizing what one does for Christ, rather than what Christ does for the world. 

MZTV 1341: The New Creation, The New Humanity, The Salvation of All, The Reason For Everything

MZTV 1341: The New Creation, The New Humanity, The Salvation of All, The Reason For Everything

I decided to go for it on this one. I was frustrating myself with the phrases "new creation" and "new humanity" because we see nothing but the old creation and the old humanity, and so I felt that more explanation was needed. (I am always aware of new viewers.) 

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